

At Coastal Dermatology and Medspa, our priority is to deliver quality dermatology care to informed patients in a comfortable and convenient setting.

RF Microneedling

Dr. Ryan Krch N.M.D. of Krch AESTHETIC MEDICINE in Phoenix, AZ, is able to provide amazing results for his patients with a unique treatment called radiofrequency (RF) microneedling. RF microneedling has been used by the best aesthetic doctors and practitioners for years due to its remarkable skin-tightening outcomes. Utilizing the Venus Versa platform, Dr. Ryan performs nanofractional ablation to introduce heat deep within the facial tissue to promote the body's natural production of collagen and create firmer, smoother skin. This combination of microneedling with radiofrequency heat can provide patients with their best individual results. Get in touch with Krch AESTHETIC MEDICINE to set up a consultation and discover how RF microneedling can bring out your best complexion.


Ideal candidates for RF Microneedling

Venus Versa RF microneedling is designed for anyone who is unhappy with their general complexion. This treatment, unlike most laser procedures, is safe for darker skin tones. Also, it requires little to zero downtime. The unique combination of nanofractional ablation with radiofrequency heat can greatly help to address many cosmetic flaws, including:

  • Sun damage, scaly patches, or rough texture
  • Acne scars and other forms of scarring or discoloration
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Stretch marks
  • Redness and broken blood vessels
  • General dulling and other early signs of aging

RF Microneedling Procedure Technique

Most patients feel much more comfortable about the idea of RF microneedling once they fully understand it. Venus Versa RF microneedling is done with tiny sterile needles that are attached to a handheld instrument. Dr. Ryan will roll this instrument very gently over the skin, creating micro-punctures deep into the skin. These tiny injuries to the tissues stimulate the production of your body's collagen (this technique is sometimes referred to as collagen-induction treatment). Simultaneously, radiofrequency energy is introduced into your tissue via these sterile micro-needles. The RF energy warms at deep levels, which provides continuing and cumulative results. As the punctured skin starts healing, new skin grows, and this new skin looks and feels more refreshed and youthful. The innovative combination of RF microneedling with radiofrequency energy, such as Venus Versa RF, allows Dr. Ryan to provide gorgeous outcomes for his Phoenix, AZ patients.

What to expect from your RF Microneedling Treatment

Depending on the area you are having treated, your session at Krch AESTHETIC MEDICINE could take 15 – 30 minutes. A numbing cream or serum will be applied to your skin before your RF microneedling treatment. Dr. Ryan will gently roll the instrument on your skin in the areas being treated, and this will be continued until your goal complexion is reached. After your treatment, you will experience tiny scabs forming at your puncture sites within 24 – 72 hours. As your new skin heals, these will comfortably and naturally vanish. You should begin to see results approximately one month after your procedure.

Venus Versa RF's microneedles deliver radiofrequency (RF) energy to the deep layers of the skin. This treatment is safe and effective for all skin types and tones, and it has almost zero downtime. To achieve the best results, Dr. Ryan suggests at least 3 – 4 RF treatments. You will start to be able to see results after your second session, but your final outcome won't become visible for about three months after your last session.

Plan your procedure

Plan your procedure

Average Cost

$810 - 1,215

Recovery Time

24 - 48 Hours

Average Procedure Time

45 Minutes - 1 Hour

Post-op Follow-up

3 - 4 Weeks

Procedure Recovery Location


Frequently Asked Questions for RF Microneedling

How much does it cost?

Will I need multiple treatments?

Is RF microneedling right for me?

Does the procedure hurt?

Is every treatment different?


RF microneedling is a quick, nearly painless, effective remedy for reducing the signs of aging and sun damage, such as wrinkles and laxity, or acne scars. The unique blending of radiofrequency microneedling and skin tightening in this procedure makes it an incredibly popular choice for our Phoenix, AZ patients. To learn more about this minimally invasive treatment contact us or call us now at 480-493-5833.

Schedule your consultation today!